College of Surgeons
States Section
Annual Surgical Update
Program (Final)
Hilton Palacio Del Rio
San Antonio, Texas
May 4-6, 2023
Includes sessions of the American Academy of Neurological
and Orthopaedic Surgeons
Opening Session: Global
Surgery 2023
Thursday, 5/4/2023 3pm-5pm
The first session of the conference will feature a number
of lectures from various speakers on topics related to Global Surgery and humanitarian
activities. Included will be informative lectures about endeavors of not only
ICS members, but others in various parts of the world. Participants will gain a
better understanding of the topics presented and be able to determine whether
additional investigation is needed.
Dixon Santana, MD and Thav
Thambi-Pillai, MD
Population in the World and Singapore - New Direction in Surgery?
Clement Chan, MD, MBA,
Honorary Associate Clinical Professor, Hong Kong University;
Honorary Associate Clinical Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong; Adjunct
Associate Professor, School of BioMedical Sciences,
Chinese University of Hong Kong; Visiting Professor, Cebu Institute
The Ethical Concern between
Surgeon-Burnout and Patient-Safety
Peter Johannes Manoppo, MD, Surabaya, Indonesia
Ciputra University, Surabaya; Indonesian Bioethics Forum
Preventing Physician Burnout:
Identification and Prevention
Izi Obokhare, MD, Amarillo, TX
Associate Professor and
Associate Dean for Faculty Development; General Surgery, Colon and Rectal
Surgery, Advanced Laparoscopic / Robotic Surgery, Department of Surgery, Texas
Tech University Health Science Center
Cardiac Care in Belize:
Building a Local, Sustainable Cardiac Surgery Program from Square One
Eric Skipper, MD,
Charlotte, NC
Professor, Cardiothoracic
Surgery; Surgical Director, Cardiac Transplantation and Advanced MCS; Surgical
Director Structural Heart, Sanger Heart and Vascular Institute, Atrium Health
The Value of Surgical
Missions in Low and Middle Income Countries to a Surgical Training Program
Domingo T. Alvear, MD,
Mechanicsburg, PA
Chairman and Founder, World
Surgical Foundation
Giving Back: How to Get
Involved in Global Surgery as a Surgical Trainee
Osaid Alser, MD, MSc
(Oxon), Lubbock, TX
General Surgery Resident,
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Ethics Forum: Featuring the Dr. Andre Crotti Lecture
Thursday, 5/4/2023 5pm-6pm
This extension of the first session will be an ethics
based presentation by the 2023 recipient of the Dr. Andre Crotti Award for
Distinguished Service to the Profession of Surgery. This timely topic will
focus on current programs and strategic direction of the Firearm Injury
Programs of the American College of Surgeons (ACS) and the ACS Committee on
Trauma (COT). The three principles developed by the ACS COT to reduce firearm
injury in the US will be discussed. There will be ample time for audience
participation. Participants in this session will be able to articulate areas
for possible consensus around firearm injury prevention from surveys of
Dixon Santana, MD and Thav
Thambi-Pillai, MD
Injury and Violence Prevention
Ronald Stewart, MD, San
Antonio, TX
Professor and Chair of
Surgery, UT Health San Antonio
AANOS Annual Scientific
Meeting: Neurological and Orthopaedic Surgery Part 1
Friday, 5/5/2023 8am-12pm
The United States Section of ICS (ICSUS) is proud to
continue its long standing relationship with the American Academy of
Neurological and Orthopaedic Surgeons (the Academy). As such, the Academy has
designated the ICSUS Annual Surgical Update as its Annual Scientific Meeting.
Working closely with the members of the Academy to determine professional
practice gaps and educational need, ICSUS planners representing these two major
surgical specialties are developing two days of programming specifically for
those interested in these fields. Participants in this first session will
receive valuable updates on the diagnosis and most advanced treatment options
for a variety of Neurosurgical and Orthopaedic conditions.
Learners will have a better understanding about the latest
treatment options for Pediatric Wrist Fractures, Hand Surgery, Anterior Lumbar
Spine, Non-Fusion Stabilization Devices, Robotics in Neurosurgery and, Creating
Ancillary Income. Learners in this session will also obtain information to
appropriately determine whether further more advanced educational initiatives
are required in order to effectively implement the provided information into
Lucia Zamorano, MD and
William Welch, MD
of Robotics in Neurosurgery: An Update
Lucia Zamorano, MD,
Birmingham, MI
Clinical Professor of
Neurosurgery, Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine
Anterior Lumbar Spine
Jon-Cecil Walkes, MD, Houston, TX
Chief CV Surgery, St Joseph
Medical Center
Posterior Instrumented
Non-Fusion Stabilization Devices: Follow-up from FDA Trials
William C. Welch, MD,
Philadelphia, PA
Frederick A. Simeone Professor in Neurosurgery, Penn Medicine
Surgical Mission Trip to Honduras - Hand Surgery Cases
Sudhir Rao, MD, Big Rapids,
Orthopaedic Surgeon
Pediatric Wrist Fractures:
Are we under treating them?
Mark N. Perlmutter, MD,
Rocky Mount, NC
Orthopaedic Hand Surgeon, CR
Creating Ancillary Income in
a Private Surgical Practice - OrthoSculpt
Steven Cyr, MD, San Antonio,
Orthopaedic Surgeon, CYRxMD Cosmetic Surgery
Posterior CV Junction Fusion
in Elderly Patients: Techniques and Analysis of Single Surgeon Outcomes at a
Level 1 Trauma Center
Gazanfar Rahmathulla, MD, Eau
Claire, WI
Neurosurgeon, Mayo Clinic Health System
Colorectal Emergencies
Friday, 5/5/2023 8am-10:15am
This session will feature presentations focused on the
treatment of both routine and unique colorectal emergencies. Topics addressed will
include: Stoma Complications, Obstructed Colorectal Cancer, Complicated Sigmoid
Colon Diverticulitis, Lower GI Hemorrhage and, Rectal Prolapse. Participants in
this session will have a better understanding of these issues related to
colorectal surgery.
Robert Amajoyi, MD and
Harry Anderson, MD
Colorectal Cancer Nightmares from the ER
Philip Kondylis,
MD, Kissimmee, FL
Assistant Professor,
University of Central Florida
Stoma and Stoma Complications:
How to create the perfect stoma
John Kidwell, MD, Lubbock,
Assistant Professor of
Surgery, Texas Tech Health Sciences Center, Colon and Rectal Surgery
Lower GI Hemorrhage
Irlna Tantchou, MD, Bentonville, AR
Colon and Rectal Surgeon
Rectal Prolapse: Help! My
rectum is falling out.
Nsikak Umoh, MD, Shenandoah, TX
Colon and Rectal Surgeon, The
Woodlands Colon and Rectal Associates
Current Management of
Complicated Sigmoid Colon Diverticulitis
Izi Obokhare, MD, Amarillo, TX
Associate Professor and
Associate Dean for Faculty Development; General Surgery, Colon and Rectal
Surgery, Advanced Laparoscopic / Robotic Surgery, Department of Surgery, Texas
Tech University Health Science Center
in Surgery Panel Discussion
Friday, 5/5/2023 10:30am-12pm
Surgeons need to be aware of disparities in opportunities
and outcomes based on gender. In this session the panel will be discussing
issues that are faced by female surgeons and strategies to address them to
create a more equitable and conscious surgical future. Challenges such as
work-life balance, intrinsic biases between colleagues / patients, and
inequality will be addressed. Upon completion of this session, participants
will have a better understanding of the current obstacles faced by US and
international female surgeons. This knowledge will increase the participants'
knowledge of the current status of female surgeons as it relates to: surgical
outcomes for female vs male surgeons, pay differentials, career opportunities
and work-life balance.
Tessa London-Bounds, MD and
Crystal Totten, MD
Tamera Cox, MD, Shelby, NC
General Surgeon, Atrium
Health Cleveland
Heidi Reich, MD, Fresno, CA
Cardiothoracic Surgeon,
Central California Heart and Lung Surgery
Tantchou, MD, Bentonville, AR
Colon and Rectal Surgeon
Whittington, MD, PhD, New York, NY
General Surgery, Surgical
Oncology, Mount Sinai/Elmhurst Hospital Center
Honors Luncheon The Dr. Arno Roscher Endowed Lecture
Friday, 5/5/2023 1pm-1:30pm
Dr. Arno A. Roscher has been a Fellow of the International
College of Surgeons since 1968. Dr. Roscher has been very active in ICS
activities throughout his over 50 years as a member. He has also held numerous
elected leadership positions at both the US Section and International levels.
When he contributed $100,000 to the US Section in 2009 the Dr. Arno A. Roscher
Endowed Lecture was established. This year marks the thirteenth presentation of
this special lecture that has featured renowned physicians presenting on varied
topics ranging from the Reduction of Health Disparities to Molecular Genetic
Testing to Dr. Ryan Bayley's presentation this year titled, "How Good
Physicians Find Themselves in Bad Situations." Dr. Bayley will explore the
concept of incivility and the changing expectations that our peers and patients
have of physicians in 2023. He will identify the communication styles and
behaviors that are most likely to create problems, and most importantly, he
will impart actionable strategies in navigating today's medical workplace.
How Good Physicians Find
Themselves in Bad Situations
Ryan Bayley, MD, Chapel
Hill, NC
Founder and Chief Executive Coach, Bayley Coaching
Solutions, Assoc. Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Surgery, Duke University; Emergency
Physician, Wake Emergency Physicians (WEPPA); EMS Medical Director, Granville
Friday, 5/5/2023 1:30pm-3:30pm
Participants in this session will be provided with a
comprehensive overview on a number of issues related to transplant surgery such
as; Robotics in Transplant, Localizing HCC, Normothermic
Regional Perfusion, Pancreas Transplantation and, a Fellowship Training update.
Upon completion of the course, surgeons of all specialties will have a more
complete understanding of these topics related to transplant surgery.
Peter Kennealey, MD and
Reza Saidi, MD
HCC: A multi-faceted approach to HCC in South Texas
Danielle Fritze, MD, San Antonio, TX
Associate Professor, University
of Texas Health San Antonio
Normothermic Regional Perfusion for DCD Organ Recovery
Christina Papageorge, MD,
Charlottesville, VA
Assistant Professor of
Surgery, University of Virginia
Robotic Surgery in Transplantation:
A Technology Finding an Indication?
Thomas Pshak, MD, Aurora,
Assistant Professor of
Surgery, University of Colorado
Robotics in Transplant
Fellowship Training: See one, do one, teach one?
Jonathan Cullen, MD,
Denver, CO
Abdominal Transplantation and
Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgery Fellow, University of
Pancreas Transplantation
Alone in the USA, Where Are We Standing After 20 Years?
Reza Saidi, MD, Syracuse,
Associate Professor of
Surgery, Division Chief of Transplant Services - Kidney Adult and Pancreas,
Upstate Medical University
Ensuring the Future of
Diabetic Care in the US Features Solid Organ Pancreas Transplantation
Matthew Cooper, MD,
Milwaukee, WI
Chief, Division of Transplantation,
Medical College of Wisconsin
Annual Research Scholarship
Friday, 5/5/2023 3:45pm-5:15pm
Surgical Residents and Medical Students will participate
in this annual contest. Submissions will be judged by the Scholarship Committee.
Qualifying candidates will also be judged on a pre-recorded oral presentation.
During the Annual Surgical Update oral presentations will be made to the
audience. Scores from the previously judged submissions will be combined to
determine the winners of various prizes to be announced at the end of the
session. Attendees will be presented with fascinating information by some of
the brightest young minds in medicine.
Anthony Dardano, DO and
Steven Dominguez, MD
Cost Comparison of Endovascular versus Open Surgical
Revascularization in Popliteal Artery Occlusive Disease
Hamza Ashfaq,
MPH, Pikeville, KY
OMS-III, University of
Pikeville Kentucky College of Medicine
Popliteal Artery Aneurysm
Repair: A Single Center Experience
Nicholas Demas, BS,
Lexington, KY
Second Year Medical Student
(MS II), University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Cannulation Strategies for OxyRVAD VV ECMO in End Stage Lung Disease
Andrew Gorton, MD,
Lexington, KY
Resident Physician,
Cardiothoracic Surgery, University of Kentucky
Whole Blood Resuscitation
Following Liver Transplantation: Is it Time for Implementation?
Ivan Rodriguez, MD, Aurora,
Research Fellow, University
of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
Evaluation of Post-Operative Urinary
Retention in Trans-abdominal Pre-peritoneal Inguinal
Hernia Repair:
in Chart Review
Rachel Schneider, MD,
Worcester, MA
Medical Student, UMass Chan
Medical School
AANOS Annual Scientific
Meeting: Neurological and Orthopaedic Surgery Part 2
Saturday, 5/6/2023 8am-10am
Participants in this second session will receive updates
on the diagnosis and treatment options for a variety of Neurosurgical and
Orthopaedic maladies. Learners will be informed about and have the ability to discuss
the following with the presenters: Basivertebral
Nerve Ablation, Thoraco-Lumbar Trauma, Chronic
Subdural Hematoma, Orthopaedic IME and, Lumbar Spinal Stenosis.
Sudhir Rao, MD and Mark
Perlmutter, MD
Management Strategies in Thoraco-Lumbar Trauma
Cristian Gragnaniello, MD, PhD, San Antonio, TX
Assistant Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, UT Health
San Antonio; Chairman, Department of Neurosurgery, Audie Murphy VA, San Antonio
Postsurgical Outcomes with Interspinous Spacers in Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: Clinical
Outcomes and
Mohan YS, MD, Garden City,
Neurosurgeon, Garden City
Role of Tranexamic
Acid in the Management of Chronic Subdural Hematoma
Roy Torcuator, MD, Flint,
Neurosurgeon, Insight
Institute for Neurosurgery and Neuroscience, Insight Surgical Hospital
Nerve Ablation
Jeffrey Epstein, MD,
Babylon, NY
Neurosurgeon, Private
Practice, Comprehensive Pain Care of Long Island
The Approach to the Orthopaedic
IME: What the Science Says
David Weiss, DO,
Morrisville, PA
Orthopaedic Pain Medicine
Updates in Trauma and Critical
Care Surgery: 2023 Considerations
Saturday, 5/6/2023 8am-10:15am
The latest on Trauma and Critical Care Surgery will be
presented in this annual forum. The audience will be made aware of what can be
encountered in critical care situations and will have a better understanding of
what to do if they come across similar situations. Featured will be topics on;
Intercostal Nerve Cryo Ablation, Penetrating Lung
Injuries, Massive Transfusion, Blunt Chest Trauma, Thoracic Trauma and,
Deployment of Surgeons into Critical Care.
Sharique Nazir, MD and Ridwan Shabsigh, MD
and Supervised Deployment of Surgeons into Critical Care During the COVID19
Health Crisis
Ridwan Shabsigh, MD, Bronx, NY
Chairman, Department of
Surgery, SBH Health System, Professor of Clinical Urology, Weill Cornell
Medical School
of Penetrating Lung Injuries
Loren Harris, MD, New York,
Chairman, Department of
Surgery Richmond University Medical Center Staten Island, NY
Thoracic Trauma Update 2023
Peter Rhee, MD, MPH, DMCC,
White Plains, NY
Professor of Surgery
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences and City University of New
York, Saint Barnabas Hospital
Massive Transfusion in
Trauma: Does Payer Status Decrease Futile Transfusion?
Anthony Kopatsis,
MD, Elmhurst, NY
Ichan Mount Sinai School of Medicine Elmhurst Hospital Center
Blunt Chest Trauma: Past and
Petr Nestrojil, MD, PhD,
Brno, Czech Republik
Trauma Clinic, University
Hospital Brno, Czech Republik
Intercostal Nerve Cryo Ablation Provides Effective Analgesia When Used as an Adjunct
in Rib Fracture
The Recent Evidences.
Saptarshi Biswas, MD, Myrtle Beach, SC
Associate Program Director
General Surgery Residency, Director of Surgical Research and Simulation, Grand
Strand Medical Center
Surgery: Applications and Adaptations for Your Practice
Saturday, 5/6/2023 10:15am-12pm
Rural surgeons have limited resources and this poses a
challenge for providing best practice care for patients. This session will explain
how techniques performed at large facilities can be adapted to their smaller
facilities with the resources they have. Surgeons, especially those in a rural
setting, will be able to adapt techniques and practices to their unique
environments. Participants in this session will increase their knowledge of
options for treatment of rural patients in limited resource settings.
Tracy Sambo, MD and Melissa
Johnson, MD
Harness Hang Syndrome; Death on a rope and Rescue Death. Debunking
myths and evidence- based discussion of Suspension Syndrome.
Saptarshi Biswas, MD, Myrtle Beach, SC
Associate Program Director
General Surgery Residency, Director of Surgical Research and Simulation, Grand
Strand Medical Center
Update on GERD ACG
Guidelines- Medical and Surgical Treatment
Francis Buckley, MD,
Austin, TX
Associate Professor of
Surgery, University of Texas, Dell Medical School
Rural Trauma: The Importance
of PreHospitaInclusion in Research, Planning,
Training and Operations
Will Chapleau, Paramedic,
Trauma Nurse Specialist, Chicago Heights, IL
Director International
Pre-Hospital Medicine Institute
Rural Surgery in Extremis:
Comparison of Independent Rural and International Surgical Residencies
Riley Grogan, MD, La
Crosse, WI
General Surgery Resident
(PGY-IV), Gundersen Health System
The Centralization Conundrum
- The Challenges of Breast Surgery in Rural Practice
Lee Trombetta,
MD, Winona, MN
General Surgeon, Gundersen Medical Center, La Crosse, WI
Special Luncheon Lecture
Saturday, 5/6/2023 1:00pm-1:30pm
The current model of surgical education determines
promotion and trainee completion based largely on surrogate measures of
competence such as case logs, standardized test performance, faculty evaluations,
and a final attestation by the program director. Unfortunately, these surrogate
measures do not allow for a demonstration and understanding of trainee
performance as they complete their training period. The American Board of
Surgery is launching use of 18 Entrustable
Professional Activities (EPAs) for General Surgery in all training programs
across the United States.
Attendees will learn about the American Board of Surgery
plan for implementing Entrustable Professional
Activities. This will include: Rationale for implementation; Planned timeline;
EPA content; and plan for technologic support.
Professional Activities in General Surgery Residency
Daniel Dent, MD, San
Antonio, TX
Chair, Department of Medical Education; Professor and Vice
Chair for Education, Department of Surgery; University of Texas Health San
Antonio Long School of Medicine
Surgical Oncology Updates
Saturday, 5/6/2023 1:30pm-3:30pm
The specialty of surgical oncology is always changing with
new therapeutic strategies introduced on a regular basis. Surgeons who treat
oncology patients need ongoing education to remain current in this always
evolving specialty. Participants in this session will learn various current
diagnostic and therapeutic strategies to care for oncology patients. Areas
covered will include; a general update, Colorectal Liver Metastases, Importance
of Nutrition, HIPEC and, Distance from the Cancer Center.
Joshua Mammen, MD and
Colleen Murphy, MD
of Colorectal Liver Metastases
Colin Court, MD, PhD, San
Antonio, TX
Assistant Professor, Division
of Surgical Oncology and Endocrine Surgery Mays Cancer Center, UT Health San
- MD Anderson
The Importance of Nutrition in
Patients Undergoing Surgery for GIT Tumor
Jiri Matyas,
MD, Pardubice, CZ
Head of ICU, Surgery Clinic
Pardubice, Czech Republic
Effects of Insurance Type and
Distance from the Cancer Center on Outcomes After Robotic-Assisted
Eric Toloza,
MD, PhD, Tampa, FL
Cardiothoracic Surgeon,
Moffitt Cancer Center
An Update on HIPEC in Appendiceal and Colorectal Malignancy
Tyler Mouw,
MD, Lubbock, TX
Assistant Professor Texas
Tech University, Department of Surgery
Contemporary Surgical Treatment
of Melanoma
Joshua Mammen, MD, PhD,
Omaha, NE
Professor of Surgery,
University of Nebraska
General Plenary Session
Saturday, 5/6/2023 3:45pm-5:30pm
ICSUS CME programs are rich in diversity and represent many
surgical specialties. This multidisciplinary educational session seeks to
provide content that improves the learner’s overall competence, performance or
patient outcomes through interaction with peers. ICSUS encourages participants
from all specialties to interact and learn from one another, thereby building a
broad base of knowledge. In this short session developed from abstract
submissions of ICS Fellows and others, presentations will cover the following
topics: Atrial Fibrillation,
Laparoscopic Whipple, Dialysis Catheter Exchange, Renal Transplant Graft
Failure, Wound Closure.
Siva Vithiananthan, MD and
Erika Fellinger, MD
Surgical Approach to Atrial Fibrillation
Tessa London-Bounds, MD,
MPH, Lexington, KY
Assistant Professor of
Surgery, University of Kentucky
Total Laparoscopic Whipple
Procedure - A video case presentation
Michael Jacobs, MD, Novi,
Clinical Professor of Surgery, Michigan State University CHM;
Director of HPB Program and HPB Fellowship, Associate Chair of Surgery,
Ascension Providence and Providence Park Hospitals
Pulmonary Infarction after
Dialysis Catheter Exchange
Francis Podbielski, MD,
Riverside, IL
Clinical Professor of
Surgery, University of Illinois at Chicago
A Single Site, Retrospective
Chart Review of Renal Transplant Graft Failure and Mortality Rates Pre and Post
Troy Hollinsworth,
MS-3, Sioux Falls, SD
Medical Student
A Novel Technique for Wound Closure
using Spanning Sutures to Decrease Graft Size
Lior Levy, BA, New York, NY
Medical Student, New York
Medical College