The Mission of the United States Section of the International College of Surgeons is... unify surgeons and related specialists to promote surgical excellence for the benefit of all people.

Our Vision is to advance surgical outreach

Our Values are...

  • Mentorship & Fellowship
  • Equitable Access to Care
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • Global Collaboration
  • Scholarship

Goals for Accomplishing the Mission 

  • To increase recruitment, improve retention, and enhance engagement
  • Analyze and clarify the internal structure of ICS-US section governance and foster collaborations with other sections (and world body).
  • Collaborate with local partners to improve surgical access and care.
  • Invest in the mission, protect core assets, seek new opportunities for revenue.

Requirements for Membership


To become a Fellow (member) of ICS (FICS) through the United States Section, applicants must meet the following requirements:

  1. Licensed to practice medicine in the United States.
  2. Successfully completed a residency program in surgery, anesthesiology, pathology or radiology.
  3. Submit a fully completed application form.
  4. Provide three references who can attest to your ethical and professional qualifications.
  5. Pay the appropriate application fee.

Click here to apply online today!

Junior Fellow

Residents in training and medical students are welcome to join ICS as Junior Fellows. Requirements are:

  1. Enrolled in a surgical training program or medical school in the United States. Includes fellowship training in a surgical or related specialty as indicated above.
  2. Provide at least 2 references, one of which must be your residency director. If you are being referred by a current ICS Fellow only one reference is required.
  3. Submit fully completed application form.
  4. No application fee is required for Junior Fellow application.

Click here to apply for Junior Fellowship.

Allied Member

Physician Assistants and Nurse Practitioners can now join ICSUS in the new Allied Member Category. To join applicants must:

  1. Be a licensed and/or certified Physician Assistant or Nurse Practitioner
  2. Complete the application form
  3. Provide appropriate references or be recommended by a current ICS Fellow
  4. Pay the appropriate application fee

Click here to apply.

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