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These presentations were made during the ICS US Section 80th Annual Surgical Update Opening Session held in Chicago on April 26, 2018 at the W Lakeshore Hotel.
Siva Vithiananthan, MD - Teaching Basic and Laparoscopic Techniques and Academic Pursuits in a Teaching Hospital in Sri Lanka
Tracy Sambo, MD - Current Surgical Training and Preparation for a Career in Rural Surgery: An Individual Perspective
Domingo Alvear, MD - Lessons Learned in 20 Years of Service by the World Surgical Foundation: How Do We Measure Success?
Frank Schulze, MD - Humanitarian Surgery from ICSUS and Europe: What are the Options?
Tom Willson, MD - Ethical Considerations in Plastic Surgery Missions
Nora Fullington, MD - Team Broken Earth - UMass: Experience of a New Global Surgery Effort
Mark Perlmutter, MD - G4 Empowerment Database - A Single Open Source Registry of Available Human and Material Resources