ICSUS and WSF Head to Honduras

On October 29th, Dr. Mark Perlmutter (ICSUS President) and Dr. Domingo Alvear, World Surgical Foundation (WSF) Founder and former ICSUS Executive Council member,  will head to Honduras. Once there, they will lead a team of volunteers who will provide much needed medical and surgical care. ICSUS has supported WSF for more than 10 years and many members have participated in WSF led missions to Honduras, the Philippines and other parts of the world. The last meaningful collaboration with WSF occurred during a joint project to Ethiopia in 2009. 

The ICSUS leadership does not plan to wait that long again. Included as part of the newly adopted (October 24, 2022) ICSUS Strategic Plan, is a goal that seeks to increase humanitarian activities. During the trip to Honduras, Dr. Perlmutter will attempt to make appropriate connections that will allow ICSUS to send a team to Honduras at least once every year moving forward. 

In addition to Drs. Perlmutter and Alvear, other ICSUS affiliated surgeons joining the team are Drs. H. Amiri (Shreveport, LA), M. Burt (Sioux Falls, SD), J. Epstein (Babylon, NY), S. Rao (Big Rapids, MI), and T. Thambi (Sioux Falls, SD).

If you wish to support projects like this through the ICSUS Annual Fund Drive click HERE to make a donation.

If you wish to support WSF directly click HERE.

Photos from Honduras. (last update 11/1/22)

Drs. Thav Thambi and Mark Perlmutter head out for the day. (11/1/22)

Dr. Jeff Epstein (blue scrubs) and his team prepare for surgery.

Dr. Amiri (front right) and Dr. Rao (3rd on the left) share a meal with team members.




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