Sent via email on December 18, 2022

Dear ICS-US Section Colleagues!

As we approach the end of the year, I wanted to reach out one last time to wish you the very best for the Holidays and the coming new year! It has been an honor and privilege to serve your President in 2022. The trust and support I have received has been incredible! I would like to take this opportunity to highlight some of the exciting accomplishments of the past year.

First, we once again held our Annual Surgical Update this past April in Providence, Rhode Island. While COVID still impacted participation, in-person attendance was actually up a bit from the 2021 meeting. Sessions were once again live streamed for those who could not join us, but wished to support the Section and get some CME. Many of the presentations that were presented are now available at no cost to view on our YouTube Channel and in the near future the majority of the presentations from Providence will be posted there as well. Visit FICS Online and the Educational Opportunities page to learn more.

Even though COVID still impacted our meeting, it was very successful from an educational perspective. I wish to acknowledge the participation of several speakers who helped to make this a special event. First, from Quebec was our Honorary Fellow recipient from 2020, Prof. Michel Gagner, who is world renowned for his contributions to laparoscopic and bariatric surgery. While he could not participate in 2020 due to the meeting being cancelled, we were delighted to learn from his presentation entitled, Magnetic Surgery Is It Ready for Prime Time. The technological advances in medicine continue to amaze us all. Congratulations to Prof. Gagner, ICS Honorary Fellow.

Next is a Transplant Surgeon, Prof. Matthew Cooper, who was the recipient of the Dr. Andre Crotti Award for Distinguished Service to the Profession of Surgery. Dr. Cooper presented, Global Evolution of Kidney Paired Donation for Patients with ESRD and immediately following the conference applied to become an active member of ICS. At the time of the meeting Dr. Cooper was the President of the United Network of Organ Sharing (UNOS) and we look forward to his future participation in our College.

Finally, I wish to acknowledge the participation of Prof. Albert Telfeian, from the Warren Alpert School of Medicine of Brown University in Providence. Dr. Telfeian provided the Neurosurgical Keynote during a special joint session of the ICS-US Section and the American Academy of Neurological and Orthopaedic Surgeons (Academy). Typically, the Academy holds separate sessions in conjunction with those of the ICSUS. For the first time in many years, our members came together to observe presentations by not only Dr. Telfeian, but also several other top neurological and orthopaedic surgeons. I was extremely delighted to see the positive response to this joint session and hope we are able to do it again very soon.

Strategic planning was likely the most significant activity undertaken by ICSUS leadership in 2022. While it had been discussed for many years, it had not occurred since 1992. I’m happy to report that after months of work early in the year, ICSUS leaders gathered in Chicago this past July to hold a strategic planning retreat. As I reported last month, the Executive Council formally adopted the plan and work is underway to develop an action plan to implement various aspects over the course of the next several years. Congrats to all those who worked on and continue to work on this important undertaking.

In October, we launched our 60-minute webinar series. The webinar, entitled “Colorectal Emergencies” can be seen on our YouTube channel. My sincere thanks are extended to Dr. Rob Amajoyi for his efforts to get this project rolling. Another webinar is planned for late January, so watch your inbox for details in the coming weeks.

From a financial perspective, we find that your ongoing financial support of the College is still needed. Many of you have just received your annual dues notice. Payment of dues is still vital to maintaining an even keel and preventing any future deficits. If you are able to add a little extra, it will be appreciated. Please be sure to pay your dues before the end of the year and consider making a contribution of any amount. All contributions are tax deductible as allowed by the law. You can do this by simply going to FICS Online and clicking “Pay Dues” in the upper right hand corner of the ICSUS website or mail a check made payable to “ICS-US Section” and mail to: 1524 N. Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL 60610.

Once again, thank you for the privilege of serving as your President and I look forward to working with you all in the years to come.

Mark N. Perlmutter, MD, FICS
President, United States Section
International College of Surgeons

Please note that replies to this message will not go directly to Dr. Perlmutter. Personal or private messages should not be sent to this email address.

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