Message from the 2024 President - Annual Meeting Update (5/30/24)

Dear Colleagues,

I am elated to inform you that we had an excellent ICS-US Section annual meeting in Philadelphia at the end of April. CME programming was presented to our in-person audience during this 3-day scientific conference. Seeing everyone there having a great time and learning about some very interesting topics was very satisfying.  I have already extended my appreciation to many who joined us in Philadelphia, but I also wish to acknowledge everyone’s participation today in this message. The contributions of those who helped to plan this conference, provided a lecture, or registered for the meeting is what ICS Fellowship is all about. 

Paid registration for the scientific meeting was about the same as last year. While virtual participation was not an option this year, virtual access will be available to portions of the educational program that were recorded. Watch your email and the website for details in the weeks ahead.

The in-person participation of guests from abroad was significantly higher than in the past few years. We were honored by the presence of ICS World President Dr. Guido Parquet from Paraguay. Dr. Parquet was a wonderful addition to our educational program, contributing two excellent lectures. 

We were also joined by several other ICS World Body Leaders, including; Dr. Francisco Suarez Anzorena from Argentina (Latin American Federation Secretary), Dr. Biagio Ravo from Italy (European Federation Secretary), and Dr. Pavel Poczos from the Czech Republic. Others from abroad included three ICS members from the Taiwan Section, Drs. Kuo, Chen and Lee.

The CME session that kicked off our conference began on Thursday afternoon and was focused on Global Surgery. This session, entitled: “A World of Difference: United in Innovation,” featured a wide variety of presentations covering several topics focused on Global Surgery and a Keynote presentation by Dr. Harry Sax from Cedars Sinai in Los Angeles. Also included were international guests Dr. Tec Chong from Singapore and Dr. Thayasivam Gobyshanger from Sri Lanka. The session concluded with a very special presentation by Dr. Patricia Numann, this year’s Dr. Andre Crotti Award for Distinguished Service to the Profession of Surgery recipient. Dr. Numann’s presentation was titled “Being Part of the Solution,” after she finished her talk, she was awarded an ICS Honorary Fellowship. Dr. Numann’s remarkable, well-documented career made this designation a simple decision for the US Section and World Body Leadership. Everyone who attended the meeting had access to a true icon of surgery.

There were other sessions throughout the program, including those presented by our colleagues from the American Academy of Neurological and Orthopaedic Surgeons. Our two groups have been officially affiliated for 20 years, and our mutual respect keeps us together. The members of the Academy and their leaders, many of whom are also ICS Fellows, are greatly appreciated for their ongoing support and participation in our Annual Surgical Update. I look forward to seeing you all again next year.

I would be remiss if I didn’t note another very special lecture presented during our gathering. 

On Saturday, during the Honors Luncheon, Dr. Rocco Orlando from U Conn gave the latest installment of the Dr. Arno Roscher Endowed Lecture. Dr. Orlando helped close out a program that focused on advances in technology from around the world with his presentation entitled “Artificial Intelligence in Surgery: Ensuring the Promise and Managing the Risks.” Simply remarkable!

Of course, more than the lectures is needed to give you a complete picture of what participation in our annual meeting is all about. The opportunity to interact with all those who are present is unique. It doesn’t matter who you are you will have access to US Section leaders, the ICS World President, and even the founder of the Association of Women Surgeons and former president of the American College of Surgeons. ICSUS meetings are intimate and collegial. This was demonstrated throughout the week during social events and casual moments that allowed everyone present time to enjoy the camaraderie we all came to expect at our meetings. 

In closing, I wish to thank everyone who made the Annual Surgical Update in Philadelphia a special event, from the members of the Planning Committee and the Speakers to the Officers, our professional staff, and the attendees. It was great to see everyone, and I look forward to seeing you all again next year in Charleston, South Carolina, where I’m sure Dr. Sharique Nazir will also have a great annual meeting.

Warmest regards!

Siva Vithiananthan, MD, FICS
President, United States Section
International College of Surgeons 

To see what else you missed, visit the meeting microsite (app) at Complete meeting and program details are included.

Please note that replies to this message will not go to Dr. Vithiananthan directly. Please do not reply with personal or confidential messages.


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