Pay your ICS-US Section dues or make any other payment on this page.

Basic ICSUS Annual Dues $295.

Optional Contributions
Surgical Specialty Group Donation $30.
Alliance Dues $40.
Additional General Donation $125.

Total Requested on Initial ICSUS Dues Notice  $495.

Other payments that can be made on this page:

Annual Fund Drive, AANOS Dues ($795 as of 2024), Meeting Registration Fees and Directed Donations to a specific fund.

Note that you can also pay via Zelle to avoid the credit card transaction fee. Use to send your payment to ICSUS via Zelle using your app or online bank account. You cannot use this form to pay with Zelle. Be sure to include your ID number.

Full Name *
Payment Purpose
Include your ID number if available.
(Indicate Dues, Voluntary, Meeting Registration, etc.) *
Enter your email address here. The information you enter will be used to send a receipt. *
Payment Amount *
Convenience Fee
In order to utilize more of your dues dollars for programs and services, we are adding a small convenience fee to your payment to help cover a portion of credit card transaction processing costs. *

Clear Selection
Total paid

Please Note

If you receive a reply to your submission that indicates "Failed Credit Card Transaction" or "Time out waiting for Processor response," please do not submit again immediately. Check your credit card transactions to see if the transaction went through. Occasionally, certain browsers will give up waiting for a response and it will appear as if your transaction was not processed, even though it was.

Note that the inclusion of the term "declined" is different. In this case, your transaction did not in all likelihood get processed.


Your form submission WILL be encrypted using SSL to ensure your privacy.

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